Saturday, December 20, 2008

e choupal news : Dec 2008

I could not but admire that rural shop keeper : He was handling so many skus : branded , unbranded , loose and packed in a small dingy shop with no visibility of inventory ( But.. He had all data in his super computer brain ) , and mutiple trading and customer accounts with varying payment period and methods ( barter / cash ) , installments .

It is a interesting management lesson that ownership makes business simple : he explained to me how a child learn complex things like walking , talking etc.. . It takes time initially but if the child wants to do it over a period of time he performs all the function without realising he is doing it .

It struck me like a bullet : Yes we read so many management theory , but this one was " Straight from the GUT" .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

According to an international finance group, agriculture is a major source of livelihood throughout the world, especially for the majority of poor people living in rural areas in developing countries. A key challenge for the majority of these farmers is access to finance. Lack of access to finance is a key impediment to farmers in improving the efficiency of their productions and adopting better technologies. So, to have a better understanding about agricultural finance is a very important thing to the farmers or other people that may relate to it in their daily life. So that, after reading this artikel, we may have the understanding about the financial concepts and the practical applications of finance that is essential for anyone, especially the important managerial problems in agriculture that involve finance.
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